Who we are

Comunidad Venezuela

My Voice Counts, Inc. D.B.A. Comunidad Venezuela is a non-profit organization, incorporated in the state of Florida in October 2014. Our great mission has been to help the Venezuelan immigrant with information, knowledge, help and to serve as a guide where we become the compass of the immigrant . On the other hand, achieving the integration to the system that they decided as part of an integrated society.

Part of our mission has been the contingency regarding humanitarian aid in recent years. As part of this, it was formalized through legitimate TSJ in exile, a request for a constitutional protection to achieve the opening of the humanitarian channel for Venezuela; currently it became a mandate of execution on the part of said entity. To achieve this, we took this measure before the international organizations and in this way promote actions and pressure where we are about to achieve it, generating with this, the opening of the humanitarian channel Venezuela, for the Right to life.


Our Mission focuses on achieving the integration of the Venezuelan immigrant to the American society, based on constant learning, through the information and experiences of its members, who contribute to the integral growth of the Community. With this premise, we will achieve the construction of a comprehensive community, which offers real support and help to its members. The members of the Community are active entities that share a part of the valuable treasure that we possess: "our time", based on the common benefit.


Each member is an information center that offers part of their time and goodwill, by keeping the group informed on issues of common interest: job offers, health, news of interest that bring positive benefits. In addition, we offer information on immigration treaties, entertainment, daily life, alerts and valuable tips.

All these themes help the assimilation of an unknown culture, facilitating the process of adaptation, without forgetting the roots, culture and values ​​of our nationality. We Venezuelans are brilliant people, and this initiative, in which we all participate, seeks to serve as a reference, to feel at home, without selfishness or sectarianism. Simply, happy to belong to Community Venezuela.

We plan to build a help center to achieve the transition without frustration for those who have introduced their option for a stable immigration situation and are waiting for a response.

Based on agreed terms, we seek to achieve the preparation of new immigrants with language, permits, licenses, revalidations, etc., so that, at the same time, they can share or volunteer their knowledge to whoever needs it. and offer their services to other non-profit foundations that help the integration of migrants to the place they welcomed as their new country.

Long-term goals

As a long-term goal, we want to build a help center to achieve the transition with less frustration for those who have introduced their option for stability of the migratory situation and are waiting for a response. Based on agreed terms we want to achieve the preparation of new immigrants with the language, permits, licenses, revalidations, etc. where at the same time they can share or contribute their knowledge voluntarily to those who need it and offer their services to other foundations non-profit that help integration in the place they welcomed as their new country.

through our team; It is responsible for obtaining relevant information that allows meeting the needs of the members.

Among other aids; we investigate and verify offers of jobs, community aids such as food distribution, free or low cost assistance centers, information about work permits, how to enroll your child in school, federal grants, free or low cost English courses. In general, it provides necessary information to start in the city that they wanted to emigrate.

Our groups use as a tool a messaging application that keeps us not only informed but online to request any help or need from the group that is willing to provide their information or help. These grants can include: job offers, any specific query or need, advice, etc. and whoever has the information communicates with whoever requested it. In this way, we do not collapse our cell phones and comply with the objectives set.

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